Looking for quality, fast and affordable asbestos testing options?

Asbestos Testing Special $22.00/Sample*. AIH Laboratory offers reliable, fast and affordable Asbestos Analysis for the clients.
Quality Results: AIH Laboratory is accredited with NVLAP  (Lab Code: 500079-0) program at NIST.
Fast Results: Available Fast Turnaround Times: 1 Hour , 2 Hours, 4 Hours and 24 Hours
Affordable: $22 Per Sample for 5-Day Turnaround Time. Three convenient ways to send samples to AIH Laboratory in person, drop box or mail. When sending or bringing samples to AIH Laboratory, please make sure the samples are small (see home owners page for guidelines) and properly sealed in a Ziploc bag or a small plastic container.

  • Cost – $22.00 Per Sample (popcorn ceiling, wallboard, glue/mastic, cement board, insulation, etc)
  • Additional Layer: $22.00 Per Layer (if applicable)