Lead is a naturally occurring element in the earth’s crust. Lead can be found everywhere in our environment from our water, air, and soil to our homes and workplaces. Some of the products it can be found in are paints, ceramics, gasoline, cosmetics, jewelry, pipes and plumbing, solder, ammunition, and batteries. If your house was constructed prior to 1978, then it is likely that lead-based paints were used. Mines and smelters are also a source of lead contamination. Lead can be released into the air and then settle on soils, which can then be transferred into ground water sources.
Each type of lead contamination (drinking water, soil, types of materials, paints) has a specific amount that is considered a safe level. Anything above that level is considered the level at which action must happen to remove exposure to this hazardous material .
The EPA regulates lead exposure, removal procedures, and laboratory standards. Please see this link for information regarding lead. http://www2.epa.gov/lead
Contact AIH Laboratory today for your Lead testing needs.
- Electronic Payment Method- Pay using Paypal here (Lead Paint Only)
- Manual Payment Method- Send us check payment or use Credit Card Authorization Form via Visa/MC/Discover. Please complete the following COC1 (Lead in Paint) or COC2 (Lead in Water) and send it along with your sample(s).
Lead Sample Collection Guideline (click here)
Regulatory Levels for Lead (Pb) *(Your State or Local laws may be different and more stringent. Please check with your local government agencies for current regulations.)
Lead in Paint: 1.0 mg/cm2 or 5,000 µ g/g (0.5% or 5,000ppm)
Lead in surface dust: Floors- 10 µg/ft2, Window sill- 250 µg/ft2
Window well- 800 µg/ft2 OSHA Action Level- 30 µg/m3 (PEL)- 50 µ g/m3
EPA Ambient Air Standards- 0.15 μg/m3
Drinking Water Standards: 15 ppb (µg/L)
TCLP (Waste Characterization): 5 ppm (mg/L)
Consumer Product- 90 ppm (mg/kg)
Children’s Products (Lead content)- 300ppm, (Paint/surface coating)- 90 ppm
FDA-Ceramic Glass & Food Ware – 0.5 ppm to 3.0 ppm California Proposition 65 (Tableware) – 0.1ppm to 0.2ppm
Note: These values may have changed, so please check with your EPA or your applicable government agencies for current values.
You may contact the agencies listed below and ask them how Environmental Lead may be affecting you or your community:
• US Environmental Protection Agency (Renovation & Repair Program, RRP)
• Housing & Urban Development (HUD)- Section 8 Program for Drinking water & Ambient Air
• Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for Glass & Ceramic Food Ware
• Consumer Product safety Commission (CPSC) for kids toys & jewelries
• Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)