Lead and Heavy Metals Testing in Consumer Products
Consumer products such as toys, foodware and jewelry are composed of metal, nonmetal (glass, ceramic, plastic, etc.), and painted/glazed surfaces which can contain high levels of lead. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission and the California Department of Toxic Substances have set restrictions on lead content, primarily in children products, to protect public health. The main route of exposure to lead from children products is by ingestion or mouthing. Therefore testing the leachability of lead in these products is just as important as total lead content.
*US CPSC = United States Consumer Products Safety Commission; CA DTS = California Department of Toxic Substances
- Manual Payment Method- Send us check payment or use Credit Card Authorization Form via Visa/MC/Discover. Please complete the following COC and send it along with your sample(s).
- When more than one part is submitted, each part must be separated and labeled to match with COC labeling
Available turnaround times: 4 hrs, 24 hrs, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days Call us for pricing information