Planning Phase
•Before collecting a sample identify the area where you want to collect a samples. Put a few drops of detergent in a spray bottle. The mist created from this mixture will reduce the possibility of releasing of asbestos fibers. Make sure you have all tools, zip lock bags, Sharpie, Spray bottle and cleaning supplies at the location where you’re planning to collect the sample. It is important that you shut down any heating or cooling systems to minimize contamination of airborne fibers throughout the house.
Sample Collection
•Sample only 1 square inches of the suspect material. Lightly spray the suspect material using spray bottle with detergent mixture. Now carefully cut 1 square inches of the material and try to collect the entire substrate of the suspected material using an appropriate tool like a small knife etc.
•Your sample may have multiple layers. Each floor material will be considered as an individual sample.
•Now place the small piece into a re-sealable bag like a Ziploc bag and tightly seal the bag. Label the bag with appropriate ID and note the sample location on the COC or in your notebook for your reference.
Cleaning and Contamination Control
•Clean the sample bag with a moist paper towel. Similarly clean all the tools involved in sample collection process with moist paper towel. Collect all the waste material in plastic bag and dispose of properly.